How do I delete users?

Deleting and restoring users

This information also appears in the PS Suite EMR online help and user guides.

If a user no longer works in your office, delete his or her PS Suite user account. Deleted users cannot log in to PS Suite EMR and no longer appear in any lists (such as for messages and in the Edit Users window). However all data that the user entered remains in the system.

You cannot delete a user who has active messages, unprocessed lab reports, or who is covering for another user. You must first deal with the user’s messages and lab results and remove the coverage.

If the user already left but still has unprocessed messages or labs, reset his or her password so that another user can log in as this person and deal with the messages and labs.

For audit and medico-legal purposes, the user’s initials can never be reused. We recommend that you keep a record, outside of PS Suite EMR, of all deleted users and their initials. If you ever need to restore deleted users in the future, you will need their initials.

If you are deleting a health care provider, you must also separately deactivate his or her Schedule and Bill Book.

To delete users, you must be a user with Administrator authority.

Delete vs make inactive

You can also make a user inactive if he or she is on leave and plans to return to work in your office. When a user’s authority is changed to Inactive in the Edit Users window, the user also cannot log in to PS Suite EMR and no longer appears in any lists. However, the user still appears in the Edit Users window.


  1. From the main toolbar, choose Settings > Edit Users.
  2. Select the name in the list and choose Edit > Delete User.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. To restore a user:
    • From the main toolbar, choose Settings > Edit Users.
    • Choose Edit > Undelete User and type the initials of the user to be restored. Initials are case sensitive, so use uppercase or lowercase as required.
If you are deleting a provider, you must also deactivate his or her appointment schedule and Bill Book. For more information, see "Deactivating a provider's appointment schedule" and "Deactivating a Bill Book" in the PS Suite user guide or online help.